Friday 5 January 2018

Milne Family - John and Jemima Milne (Second generation)

John and Jane's eldest son, John Milne, features numerous times in the district newspapers giving us some insight into his community involvement.

In 1878 John married Jemima Fraser (1852–1901).

John and Jemima lived in Wyndham where John purchased the Farmers' Arms Hotel. Jemima's previous occupation in 1876 was barmaid at the Royal Hotel, Invercargill.

Witness Statement - MAGISTRATE'S COURT.,
Southland Times, Issue 2633, 22 December 1876

Southland Times, Issue 3121, 13 June 1878
John and Jemima had six children.

Born on 19th June 1879 their first child sadly was a stillborn boy.

BIRTH., Southland Times, Issue 3433, 21 June 1879

John Milne was born in 1881. John married Alice Harriet Greenall (1884–1953) in 1905.  In 1937 at 56 years old John died and is buried at the Anderson Bay cemetery in Dunedin.
(b.1881/15698)(m.1905/4608)(d.1937/24374)  WWI Serial No. 69177.

BIRTH., Southland Times, Issue 4072, 18 July 1881

John has the license for the Wyndham Hotel and his brother David, the licence for the Wyndham Farmers' Arms Hotel.

Licensing Committees., Southland Times, Issue 4344, 12 June 1882

In August 1882 John sells the Wyndham Hotel to farm at Seaward Downs Estate Farm.

WYNDHAM., Otago Witness, Issue 1602, 5 August 1882

Southland Times, Issue 4373, 15 July 1882

More children follow
Jemima Jane was born in 1883 and married James Riley in 1908. Jemima died in 1953 age 70 and is buried at the Anderson Bay cemetery.

Walter Henry born in 1884 married Edith Margaret Blair in 1912. Walter died in Taumarunnui in 1968 age 83 yrs.

Alexander Innes Shephard born in 1885 married Evelyn Maria Campbell in 1909. Alexander died age 80 yrs in Napier.

George Fraser was born in 1887 sadly died age 2 yrs.

Mataura Ensign, Volume 12, Issue 878, 21 May 1889

The family moved back to Wyndham in 1888 and the Farmers' Arms Hotel.

Mataura Ensign, Volume 11, Issue 797, 10 August 1888

Mary, their fifth child arrived in 1889 who married Thomas Forrester (1881–1942) in 1909. Mary died in 1969 in Ranfurly, Central Otago aged 79 yrs.
(b.1889/7000)(m.1909/ 6320)(d.1969/    )
BIRTH., Southland Times, Issue 10139, 16 April 1889

In 1892 John has the publican's booth at the annual Wyndham Caledonian Society sports day and is president of the Wyndham  Racing Club.
Mataura Ensign, Volume 15, Issue 1158, 12 February 1892

Mataura Ensign, Volume 15, Issue 1215, 30 August 1892

In 1894 John is vice-president of the newly formed Football Club.

Mataura Ensign, Volume 15, Issue 1382, 17 April 1894

In 1895  John is treasurer of the Wyndham - Edendale Ploughing Association.

Mataura Ensign, Volume 17, Issue 17, 25 June 1895

In 1899 the license of the Farmers' Arms, Wyndham is transferred to A.F. Taylor and  John and Jane move to Fortrose.

 Mataura Ensign, Issue 594, 8 June 1899

In 1901 John's wife 48 year old Jemima dies. John is 55 years old.
DEATH., Southland Times, Issue 14876, 20 February 1901

Fortrose, Southland Times, Issue 14884, 1 March 1901

In 1902 John married Mary Therese Gourley aged 28 (1874–1946). (m.(1902/6233)

Three children followed.
Moncia Julia (1904–1905)
Gordon Nelson (1905 –1967) (1905/19250) m. 1933 Aust. Reg. No. 5002 Kathleen Margaret Maginnity (1907–1994)
Alma St Paul (1907–1987) m. Doreen Elliot. Alma died in Sydney, Australia.

On the 9th May 1911 John died aged 65. John is buried at Wyndham cemetery with his first wife Jemima.

DEATHS., Southland Times, Issue 16731, 10 May 1911

Southland Times, Issue 16732, 11 May 1911

In 1916 at the age of 42 Mary married Edward Henry Freed (m.1916/7064).
They had one child Kathleen Freed (1920– )

MARRIAGE, NZ Tablet, 17 August 1916

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